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Washington Community Schools: Federal COVID-19 Relief Spending

Across Indiana, $2.8 billion in federal funding has been allocated to local school districts to help address schools’ COVID-19 related needs.

Here at Washington Community Schools, we have been allocated $7.4 million from three rounds of Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) funding – which is based on the district’s share of the state’s Title I allocation – and federal Governor's Emergency Education Relief (GEER) funds.

Over the last two years, we developed plans for how to strategically and sustainably deploy these funds to successfully accelerate student learning, support our educators, make a sustainable impact on innovation across our schools, and update technology and other infrastructure.

Through our locally-developed plans, we are investing in:

  • Extra Facility Cleaning During Pandemic (March 2020 through 2021-2022 School Year)
  • Virtual Learning Resources
  • Teacher Professional Development
  • After School Learning for K-6
  • Facility Infrastructure, Maintenance, and Renovation

Looking ahead, we plan to invest future federal relief funding in student accelerated learning and support . Per federal law, we have through September 2022 to encumber the first round of ESSER funding and through September 2023 and September 2024, respectively, to encumber the second and third rounds of their ESSER grants.

Track Washington Community School’s current uses and reimbursements of these funds here.  For more information on Washington Community School’s federal COVID-19 relief funding, please contact superintendent Kevin Frank at or 812-254-5526.