Title IX
Title IX Coordinator: Assistant Superintendent Steve Peterson
Address: 301 E. South St., Washington, IN, 47501
Phone: (812) 254-5536
Email: speterson@wcs.k12.in.us
Title IX protects every student's right to education opportunities and benefits free from sex discrimination. The US Department of Education ("US ED") Secretary of Education has released final regulations which will govern Title IX requirements pertaining to how schools, including K-12 schools, must respond to incidents of sexual harassment in order to prevent sex discrimination. 20 U.S.C. 1681 et seq., Title IX of the Education amendments Act of 1972.
Policy and Process: Washington Community Schools and NEOLA's Title IX Policy and Process is located on our district website www.washingtoncommunityschools.org under the tab: District>School Board >BoardDocs.