Title 357 of the Indiana Register with the Indiana Pesticide Review Board, IAC 1-16 Section 8 states that a school corporation must invite parents, guardians, and staff members to register to be notified 48 hours prior to pesticide application.
Advance notice is not required for the following pesticide applications:
a) disinfectants, germicides, sanitizers, swimming pool chemicals, gel or paste bait insecticides, manufactured enclosed insecticides stations; & self-applied insect repellents;
b) immediate student health threat situations (i.e. stinging wasps & bees);
c) areas completely away from student-occupied buildings & areas; and
d) those made more than 48 hours before a scheduled school day.
If you would like advance notice of relevant pesticide applications and added to the registry, please or call 812-254-5536 and ask for ext. 1011. If you choose not to be added to the registry, no action needs to be taken. Thank you.